Smart trucking is a relatively new concept that is gaining momentum in the trucking industry. Many B-Log truckers and carriers have begun using automated systems, such as GPS navigation to help manage long-haul freight transport operations. These systems are designed to optimize efficiency through accurate tracking and scheduling trucks for optimal operation. The difficulty with this concept is that it does not address all of the economics of operating such a system. Bright trucks also need an operator to maintain operational limits and monitor the vehicle’s performance parameters.
The concept of intelligent trucks is not new. Many large freight carriers have relied on automated systems for years to manage their operations. However, this system was always in conjunction with human intervention. This is not the case with intelligent trucking. Smart trucks are entirely autonomous and require no operator to maintain the system. No matter how complex, technologically advanced, or automated a system becomes, some human intervention will always be required for its effective operation.
The concept behind an intelligent truck is pretty simple in comparison to other automated systems that may be used by the trucking industry today. It is designed to optimize a carrier’s long-haul operations and supply chain logistics through automated systems. These systems include vehicle tracking, scheduling, and routing software. Innovative trucks are also capable of monitoring their operational performance parameters through the use of onboard sensors and GPS navigation. The system is handy for large freight carriers that operate thousands of trucks in transit on any given day within their fleet.
The main objective smart trucking systems design to achieve is more efficient shipping from the carrier’s supply chain network to its customers. This will provide an estimated ten percent cost savings for carriers in terms of fuel consumption since the vehicles do not have to make as many stops on a trip.